Oznam EN


Project LIFE Energy as implemented in thirteen SPAs (Special Protection Areas) in the period of 1st September 2014 - 31st December 2019 and was aimed at protecting the ten priority bird species. Project pages are currently updated only on an occasional basis.

The first public debate on the protection of birds on power lines will be in Košice

Written by  Thursday, 22 June 2017 10:37

On Monday, June 26, the first public discussion will take place in the East Slovak Museum in Košice on activities aimed at preventing and eliminating the negative impact of power lines on birds. The moderated event is the accompanying event of an unusual exhibition titled "I´m sitting on a line and I´m fine“., which visitors can see in the museum by the end of June. People can ask their experts questions in advance or directly on the action.


Additional information:

  • You can find out more about the project LIFE13 NAT/SK/001272 ENERGIA on the web site www.lifeenergia.sk , eventually www.facebook.com/lifeenergia.sk.

  • Project is supported by European Union within a LIFE program. It contributes significantly to improvement of conditions for the criterial species of birds in Natura 2000 sites.

Lucia Deutschová

manažérka projektu

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