Project LIFE Energy as implemented in thirteen SPAs (Special Protection Areas) in the period of 1st September 2014 - 31st December 2019 and was aimed at protecting the ten priority bird species. Project pages are currently updated only on an occasional basis.
Press Release Biele vody, 17.septembra 2015
The organization Raptor Protection of Slovakia (RPS) in cooperation with the State Nature Protection of the Slovak Republic christened on 17th September 2015 Ferrari special tractor to assist in the rescue of suslik colonies. Suslik belongs to the rare species, due to frequent changes in management of agriculture and destruction of pastures disappeared from our country. The tractor was christened at the site Biele Vody in National park Muránska planina, where the suslik prosper due to donkeys who graze the grass and create a suitable environment for them. Special machine- tractor Ferrari will help in restoration of two colonies in SPA Slovak Karst, which are now overgrown and there is not suitable place to live for them yet.
"European ground squirrel is not only in Slovakia but also in other EU countries very rare. Since 2003 we have been realizing activity on his return to Slovakia nature, among other things, as an important component of food of rare birds of prey. Our latest project LIFE Energy running since September last year has among other activities aim to restore two suslik colonies in SPA Slovak Karst. This is a Hrhov and Gemerská Horka, where these cute animals are nearly the extinction. The project supported the European Union ", says Ervin Hapl from RPS.
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