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Project LIFE Energy as implemented in thirteen SPAs (Special Protection Areas) in the period of 1st September 2014 - 31st December 2019 and was aimed at protecting the ten priority bird species. Project pages are currently updated only on an occasional basis.

In order to protect the Imperial Eagle they install protective elements

Written by  Thursday, 15 February 2018 19:43

In Slovakia, only 55 pairs of Imperial eagle nested in 2017, of which 36 pairs in eastern Slovakia. The young eagles are very vulnerable and the rescue of each eagle is very important. That's why the Východoslovenská distribučná, a.s.(VSD) installs protective elements for electric lines. Eagles around their nests will be safe a protected in the other two SPAs.

"Mortality of birds is naturally high in the first years of life. In the case of the Imperial Eagle, which is rare in Slovakia, the rescue of each individual is extremely important. In the LIFE Energy project, we have found six killed Imperial eagles in the SPA Ondavská rovina since 2015. There were young eagles from nearby nests. Other killed protected species of birds were discovered in the SPA Senianske rybníky during the control of power lines. In all cases, electrocution was confirmed on the 22 kV console, "says Ján Šmídt from Raptor Protection of Slovakia.

"At the end of December, we asked VSD for the installation of protective elements around the endangered nests of the Imperial Eagle. We were very surprised how quickly they responded, they immediately started with the installation of the elements on risk consoles. As a result, not only adult individuals, but also young birds of the eagles and many other species will be protected," Šmídt explains.

In the locality of Budkovce - Hatalov and Senné has VSD installed almost 50 protective elements.


Additional information:

  • You can find out more about the project LIFE13 NAT/SK/001272 ENERGIA on the web site www.lifeenergia.sk , eventually www.facebook.com/lifeenergia.sk.

  • Project is supported by European Union within a LIFE program. It contributes significantly to improvement of conditions for the criterial species of birds in Natura 2000 sites.

Martina Badidová

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