Project LIFE Energy as implemented in thirteen SPAs (Special Protection Areas) in the period of 1st September 2014 - 31st December 2019 and was aimed at protecting the ten priority bird species. Project pages are currently updated only on an occasional basis.
It was completed planting trees in the area of Lipové. It was realized a meeting with the mayor of Lipové and representatives of the SVP. The meeting consisted of common control of the locations and arranging a spring meeting of stakeholders in the place of planting locations - C2.
We have contracts with 7 mappers. The activity was for the period of December in the Eastern Slovakia under the Manual for monitoring the efficiency of the installation bird diverters suspended due to low current status of species and abundance of individuals in the areas of sections 22 kV and 110 kV. In the west continued installation of bird flight diverters in areas Káva, Hliník, Tvrdošovce, Jatov, Klížská Nemá. - D1.
The exhibition continues to be presented in UK science parks, which are carried out various actions. Based on images from a camera that is part of the exhibition, we know that the exhibition is interested and is used according to our plan - E1.
In the category News we published an article - Press Release on installing components in western Slovakia - E3.
In cooperation with the ZSD we organized Press Conference and prepared a Press Release regarding the instalation of flight divereters in Klížska Nemá. The installation process were shot by two televisions, we recorded a total of 2 TV outputs (RTVS, JOJ) and 7 online outputs - E4.
December 6, we met with Czech colleagues and we exchanged experiences and results - F3.
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