Project LIFE Energy as implemented in thirteen SPAs (Special Protection Areas) in the period of 1st September 2014 - 31st December 2019 and was aimed at protecting the ten priority bird species. Project pages are currently updated only on an occasional basis.
550 trees have already been planted under the LIFE Energy project in Slovakia. It would be nothing extraordinary. Outstanding is the fact that the trees will protect birds from collisions with the above ground electric wires. The trees were planted on areas where there was a bird deaths due to collisions with the electrical wiring recorded.
By planting trees, we concentrated vegetation near the line using the fact birds will register the natural barrier and fly over the dangerous line as well. In Slovakia has not been turned the profit of using the vegetation for this purpose so far. Side effect of the activity is an increase of biodiversity – we plant different species and various animal species shall use the vegetation for nesting, as a source of food and shelter.
Furthermore three electric companies continue with the installing over 8 thousand pieces of four types of insulators on the most dangerous parts in the length of 82 kilometres. By these measures we protect over 600 birds in the social value 1, 5 million euro from collisions each year. For installation of the diverters those parts of power lines were selected evaluated as most dangerous based on methodology and based on field survey.
Photo – Marek Gális