Project LIFE Energy as implemented in thirteen SPAs (Special Protection Areas) in the period of 1st September 2014 - 31st December 2019 and was aimed at protecting the ten priority bird species. Project pages are currently updated only on an occasional basis.
Press Release 30th July 2015
On behalf of the Electricity Company Východoslovenská distribučná, a.s., presentation installation of bird protection against collision with 110 kV power lines was held near Lemešany. The installation was made by drone which was specifically designed for such kinds of work. In terms of placing components on the electric lines, it presents a simple way to facilitate the work of power providers. It is also a unique solution of global importance that has become interesting for many other countries.
As Lucia Deutschová, Project Manager of LIFE Energy from Raptor Protection of Slovakia explains: "Bird collision with overhead electric power lines is a specific problem of which increasing attention has been paid to only since in 2010. Since then, with help from several power suppliers in Slovakia, we have been trying to solve this problem, currently through the LIFE Energy project supported by the European Commission. We are going to map over 8,000 km of power lines throughout Eastern and Western Slovakia, and identify the areas with high risk of bird collisions. In these areas, there will be installed so called Flight Diverters – visibility markers – the elements which can be recognized by birds and make them fly over the power lines. In Slovakia, we can annually save up to thousands of birds, including many endangered species.”
As the spokesperson of Východoslovenská distribučná,a.s. Andrea Danihelová stated: "Our long-term goal is to ensure that the power lines are safe for birds. We support innovative ways of protecting nature as well as distributing electric power to households. Therefore, we were pleased to hear about developing the drone for the installation in Slovakia. After the very first field installation testing on June 18th, 2015, it was proved that this innovative solution is actually usable for our needs. For the installation of visibility markers by drone, we also invited other distribution and transmission companies, not only from Slovakia, but also from other countries, because such solution raised huge interest.”
Project LIFE Energy is being carried out in cooperation with Raptor Protection of Slovakia, Východoslovenská distribučná, a.s., Západoslovenská distribučná, a.s., University of Veterinary Medicine in Košice and State Nature Conservancy. For information about the project, please visit
Contact persons: Andrea Vlková, Východoslovenská distribučná, a.s., 0917 657 916, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
Lucia Deutschová, manažérka projektu LIFE Energia, Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku, 0911 219 520, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Pictures can be seen here
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