Oznam EN


Project LIFE Energy as implemented in thirteen SPAs (Special Protection Areas) in the period of 1st September 2014 - 31st December 2019 and was aimed at protecting the ten priority bird species. Project pages are currently updated only on an occasional basis.

Exhibition “I´m sitting on a line and I´m fine”

Written by  Thursday, 13 October 2016 08:32

An opportunity to sit down safely on power lines and experience how birds may feel in such a situation – that is exactly what this unique exhibition within the LIFE ENERGY project offers. It was ceremonially opened at the Ministry of Environment in Bratislava on the World Animal Day (4th October). László Sólymos, Slovak Minister of Environment seized the opportunity to try sitting on a power line, too.

The exposition uses its original way to show the consequences of using electricity for birds. Nowadays it seems impossible to imagine your life without electricity, although it has only been some 50 years since the electrification of all municipalities in Slovakia was completed in the second half of the 20th century. The space above the ground, which had previously belonged to birds only, suddenly went interfered with permanent barriers. Birds could not make it to adapt to this significant change. Each year, thousands of them die after the collision with powerlines. Including other factors, this has also contributed to the endangerment and even to the brink of extinction of several species.

“We have been implementing the LIFE ENERGY project since 2014 and it has been the largest project on this topic implemented in Slovakia so far. We have surveyed 7,000 km of power lines within 13 Special Protection Areas (SPAs) of the project. When it comes to those most at risk, the distribution companies Západoslovenská distribučná, a.s. and Východoslovenská distribučná, a.s. will install more than 8,000 special elements – bird flight diverters - in total, thanks to which the wires will be visible to birds and make them securely fly over the power lines. More than 600 birds yearly will be saved thanks to the LIFE Energy project: their social value makes 1.5 million euros. At the same time, each of us can contribute to the protection of birds, for instance by minimizing energy consumption. Country with fewer power lines means fewer barriers and more secure environment for the birds. This is, too, what the exhibition “I´m sitting on a line and I´m fine” is about. We aim to make people be aware of the problem's extent, learn about the responsibilities of our energy companies, and contribute to the problem solution,” said Lucia Deutschová, Raptor Protection of Slovakia (RPS).

Within two years, the exhibition will be presented to the public in several cities of Slovakia. It will be promoted on social networks (#sittingonaline, #LifeEnergy).

4th-17th October 2016


Ministry of Environment of the Slovak republic, Nám. Ľ. Štúra 1, Bratislava, Monday – Friday: 10:00 - 15:00

18th October - 2nd November 2016


Polus City Center, Vajnorská 100, Bratislava, Monday - Sunday: 09:00 - 21:00

5th November 2016 - 2th April 2017


 Comenius University Science Park, Ilkovičova 8, Bratislava

3 th April 2017 - 22. April 2017


 OC Centro Nitra, Akademická 1/A, Nitra, Monday - Sunday: 09:00 - 21:00

24 th April 2017 - 13.May 2017


 Synagogue Šahy

16 May 2017 - 30th June 2017


 Východoslovenské múzeum v Košiciach, Námestie Maratóna mieru 2, Košice

4th July 2017 - 25 August 2017


 Elektrárňa Piešťany, Staničná 2334/51, Piešťany, 921 01

26th August 2017


Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology STU in Bratislava,

Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava 1

Lucia Deutschová

manažérka projektu

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